Le Document Officiel de l'Acta fuite

Publié le par Grad J

Bonjour à tous et voilà un document assez fort interressant. La toile internet est entrain de rentrer en ébullition depuis un petit temps à cause de l'ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement).

Qu'es ce que l'ACTA ?

En deux mots, il va à l'encontre de la contre façon des fichiers sur le net, plus précisément sur les fichiers vidéos illégaux par exemple.

Depuis ce mercredi 24 Mars 2010, le document "officiel" de l'ACTA est sur la toile. Bien entendu je suis obligé de mettre entre guillemet car je n'en suis pas sur à 100% mais venant de la Quadrature.net le site qui est une bonne source. Enfin tout de même à prendre avec des pincettes.


Voici déjà ce que l'on en retire de ce document, 4 propositions :

"The E.U. version:

Where a traveler's personal baggage contains goods of a non-commercial nature within the limits of the duty-free allowance and there are no material indications to suggest the goods are part of commercial traffic, each Party may consider to leave such goods, or part of such goods, outside the scope of this section.]

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore support alternative wording:

Where a traveler's personal baggage contains trademark goods or copyright materials of a non-commercial nature within the limits of the duty-free allowance {Aus: or where copyright materials or trademark goods are sent in small consignments} and there are no material indiciations to suggest the goods are part of commercial traffic, Parties may consider such goods to be outside the scope of this Agreement.]

Japan favours the following:

Where a Party excludes from the application of the provisions in this Section small quantities of goods of a non-commercial nature contained in traveler's personal luggage, the Party shall ensure that the quantitites of goods eligible for such exclusion shall be limited to the minimum allowed within its available resources.]

And Canada, New Zealand, and the U.S. would also support this approach:

Where a traveler's personal baggage contains goods of non-commerical nature in quantities reasonably attributable to the personal use of the traveler there are no material indications to suggest the goods are part of commercial traffic, each Party may consider that such goods are outside the scope of this section]

This is just for the personal search issue.  The consolidated version runs to 56 pages with dozens of issues still in square brackets that signal a lack of agreement.  More on the new issues - particularly the creation of an ACTA super-structure designed to rival WIPO - shortly."

[Source & photo]

Publié dans Grad J Files

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